Rules & Regulations

  • You are required to attend all scheduled activities (classes, group sessions, meals, etc.) on time and you must wear your nametag at all times.
  • No alcoholic beverages and or items containing alcohol.
  • No cell phones, laptops, radio, iPods, iPads, tablets or other electronic devices are permitted during program hours. All items must remain in your room during program hours. You may bring magazines, newspapers, books or other literature to read during breaks.
  • You will have a one hour lunch on Friday & Saturday ONLY in which you will be allowed to return to your room to handle personal phone calls and emails. (There will be no availability of phones and emails on Sunday.)
  • You are to stay in the residential area of the hotel at all times during the 72 hour program. Should you leave the hotel premises at any time during the 72 hour program, you will be discharged from the program.
  • If you bring prescription and over-the-counter medication it MUST be in its original container and the label must be clearly legible. Bring only enough medication to last for the 72 hour weekend program. Medication will be distributed at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime.
  • No mood altering substances are permitted on the premises unless prescribed by a physician. You will be permitted access to your medication, as prescribed, during the program.
  • You are not allowed to have visitors while attending the program. However, you may have items brought to you during the program. These items will be left at the main hotel desk and a DIP staff member will search the item(s) and deliver them to you. (Only pre-package food may be brought in to the program.)
  • You will not be allowed to have anyone visit you during the program. This is due to federal confidentiality laws. Violation of the rule will result in discharge.
  • The following areas of the hotel will be off limits during the weekend : the Bar, Exercise Room, Restaurant, Pool, Computer Room, Game Room
  • The TVs in the rooms are for the regular cable channels only. No pay-to-view or DVD rentals will be allowed.
  • No room service or ordering of food will be permitted during the weekend.
  • Gambling is NOT permitted. Do not bring any gambling devices, games, cards, or dice.
  • No one is allowed in anyone else's room. Anyone caught violating this rule may be discharged from the program.
  • No weapons or articles that could be used as weapons are allowed. The DIP staff will confiscate anything that they deem as dangerous. The items will be returned to at the end of the program.
  • All hotel sites are non-smoking buildings. There will be a designated smoking area for those who smoke cigarettes. If you smoke, bring enough cigarettes for 3 days. Cigarette packs must be unopened. If you are caught smoking in your room there is a $250.00 hotel charge that must be paid before you leave and to receive your completion papers.
  • All individuals will be required to remain in their hotel room from key pick up time (approximately 10:00 p.m. each evening) until 8:00 a.m. the following morning. Anyone who leaves their room during this time will be dismissed.
  • You must complete the entire 72-hour driver intervention program. If you must leave the premises for any reason, you will have to return at a future date and complete the program. This is due to state regulations.
  • If the DIP staff informs you that you are being disruptive, you will be given one warning. A second warning may result in your being discharged from the program.
  • If anyone is dismissed from the program, the DIP staff will report the dismissal and the reason for dismissal to the referring court/agency.
  • If you have any questions, please contact our office prior to the program at 513-868-2390 ext. 225 or 236. You may also email us with questions at

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2935 Hamilton Mason Road
Hamilton, OH 45011
P: (513) 868-2390
F: (513) 868-2267